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Beings of Light
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Åõ¸í¼º½Ã¸®Áî SHOUD 4 : "What feeds you(¿ì¸®¸¦ ¸ÔÀÌ´Â °Í)"
±Û¾´ÀÌ : ¿î¿µÀÚ                   ³¯Â¥ : 2007-01-21 (ÀÏ) 10:36 Á¶È¸ : 1816

Åõ¸í¼º ½Ã¸®Áî:  Clarity Series Shoud 4: What feeds you

»þ¿ìµå 4: ¿ì¸®¸¦ ¸ÔÀÌ´Â °Í  

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And, so it is, Shaumbra, we gather together once again in this beautiful and sacred space in the energy that we have all created together¡¦ the energy where we meld the human dimension where you live with the spirit and celestial dimensions where we live¡¦ this precious time once each month of your human time, this precious time when we can sit together in this space. It seemed like just a moment ago when we left the Shaumbra Service Center. Perhaps, there were many things that happened in your lifetime since. It seemed to us like just a moment of time ago when we left, when we broke off from the last Shoud. And, here we are again, sharing this beautiful energy and sharing this beautiful, wonderful time.

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I, Tobias, love these few moments that we have while your music is playing. We are making some equipment adjustments here. We love this time when your music is laying. And, that is a time when I, Tobias, can speak to all of you so easily. We have a few laughs and a few jokes. We talk about what has been happening in your life recently. We are preparing the energy for the day, for our guests who are going to come in for the Shoud that we are going to do. But, it is a relaxing time when we can just chat for a few moments.

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Now, the energy is going. Perhaps, you can feel it. The energy of this Shoud is now moving. And, you¡¯re helping to move it also. Things are going now¡¦ yes, indeed. One of the things that you ask all of us on our side¡¦ you ask, ¡°What is the message that Shaumbra wants to hear? Why, Tobias, do you come in? What is it that Shaumbra wanted to be reminded of more than anything else right now? Why do we do these Shouds?¡±

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And, Shaumbra, the answer is quite delightful and quite simple. So much of what we have to say to you – so much of what you have to say to yourself in these Shouds, if you read back over them for the past five years of time – you will realize what we are saying to you is that you have permission to be yourself. That is really the whole core message of all of this. You have permission to be who you are.

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You have permission to discover parts of yourself that were dormant for a long time. You have permission to be a Divine Human, existing on an Earth that is very dualistic. You have permission to move into the New Energy in your own way. You have permission to express yourself. And, you don¡¯t need permission from us. It is permission from yourself to be who you are, to be everything that you are.

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Now, that would seem to be quite simple and quite apparent. But, it is much more complex. You see¡¦ most humans don¡¯t give themselves permission to be who they are. They have defined themselves into a certain box, into a certain set of beliefs in a lifetime. And, then they follow just that set of beliefs. They are not truly being everything that they are. They are being defined in somewhat of a very narrow and rigid way, where you, Shaumbra, want permission to go outside of that. Most humans are only focused on this particular lifetime, on this particular identity.

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And, you said, ¡°We want permission to go beyond, to discover not just this lifetime, but all of the lifetimes.¡± You wanted permission to discover yourself between lifetimes. You wanted permission to discover yourself as a spiritual being, as well as a human being. You wanted permission from yourself to go beyond the limitations, all of the rules and the regulations, all of the criteria that are set up by others for you. That is what you were truly asking of yourself during these Shouds: permission to be God also in this lifetime.

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That is why it is such a delight for all of us to come in, to share this time with you, to encourage you in every way to be who you are. It is difficult at times because sometimes the world isn¡¯t ready for you. Sometimes you aren¡¯t ready for yourself. Sometimes the level of change that you have to go through in order to discover self is so great that you have a hard time keeping up with it with all of your body, mind and spirit.

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But, you know, sooner or later, every human – every human – will have to do what you have done. They will have to give themselves permission to see their whole self. Nothing can lie in hiding. Nothing can lie in darkness. Nothing can lie beyond the walls and the barriers that are set up. Sooner or later every human and every angel has to discover their total self. They have to do what you have done.

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Give yourself permission to be who you are. It sounds simple. It sounds so logical. But, Shaumbra, it is one of the most challenging and difficult things that you¡¯ll ever do. It requires trust. It requires being truthful with yourself. It requires looking at yourself, even the parts that you haven¡¯t wanted to look at.

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So, we honor, and we applaud you for what you are doing – giving yourself permission. Oh, at times, you know, you hit the wall. At times you fall down. At times it doesn¡¯t necessarily feel comfortable. But, you¡¯re doing it anyway. You¡¯re giving yourself permission. At times you may feel that this whole program of giving yourself permission to be who you are is not successful.

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But, take a look at how you judge success. Sometimes you feel perhaps that you even are failing in doing it because you measure yourself against an old set of measurement values. Measure yourself to your highest level, to your divine level. Look at yourself and what you are doing in this lifetime through divine eyes rather than human eyes, and you¡¯ll begin to understand the enormity of what you are doing.

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We spend a tremendous amount of our energies with you. We wanted to say ¡°time,¡± but time is rather irrelevant, isn¡¯t? We spend an extraordinary amount of our energies with you because at this time in your life you need that. You need these types of gatherings. You need the perspective from the other side that we can provide. We spend enormous amounts of energies with you because it is so very important.

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We know sometimes you think that the work you do is having very little effect. But, again if you could see it through the divine eyes, you would understand how you are breaking through consciousness barriers, how you are moving energy, the true significance of what you are doing. You don¡¯t have to lead a country or a nation to do incredible work at the spiritual level. You don't need to be a CEO of a large business to have an effect on the world. You don't need to be a priest or a rabbi to make a difference in people's lives. You can be Shaumbra and have a magnificent impact on the potential of consciousness, not just in this realm, but in all of the realms.

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Now, that being said, let¡¯s talk today about our special guests. There are many, many guests today that are coming in, a whole busload of them. Yes, indeed, I have a bus stop right outside of my cottage. And, the bus stopped there, and we picked them up several days ago. And, we have been journeying your way. We have been coming into your reality.

There are 202 guests on this day. Yes, the room is quite full, isn¡¯t it? We had to leave a few empty seats just to make room for everybody (some laughter). There are several hundreds of guests. And, the interesting thing about these guests is that many of you have known them before. They come from what you would call the fourth dimension, what Adamus calls the near dimensions. They are disincarnate but they were human not so very long ago. Every one of them left Earth towards the end of 2001.

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And, they have been studying on our side of the veil. They did not go to the Bridge of Flowers. They stayed in the near realms to study, for the energies of Earth were very heavy with them – not in a negative way – but just very much a part of who they were. They have been studying consciousness. They have been studying what groups are doing. And, specifically they have been studying Shaumbra all of this time. Yes, you are definitely not alone, for there are many, many who are observing – not judging – but simply observing what you are doing.

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They have several things in common: the fact that they left at the end of 2001 or later, the fact that all of them knew Shaumbra, knew some of you in one way or the other. A few were your parents. A few were dear friends. Some were ones who you worked with at the same office place. Some of them were childhood friends who you lost contact with, and then have come over to our side. But, they all knew a Shaumbra somewhere along the line.

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That little incident, that encounter with Shaumbra in their lifetime, even if you only knew them for a short period of time, had such a significant effect on them, a word that you said, a radiance that you shined out. Oh, perhaps they even laughed at you a bit. Perhaps, they challenged you. Perhaps, they thought you were a bit odd. But, Shaumbra, you made an impact on their life, and so much so that when they crossed over, when they left the physical body and came to our side, they decided it was time to study. They decided that they didn¡¯t need to just hop back into another body. They knew that there had to be more. And, you, Shaumbra, made that difference and that influence.

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They have been working, studying, and sharing together all of this time. They have been watching the progress of Shaumbra on Earth. They have been taking a look at it. They have been watching how you are working with consciousness in your life. You have become the example for them.

They all plan to come back to Earth in the next – what you would call – dozen years of human time. They¡¯re all planning to come back. They¡¯re planning to go to the Bridge of Flowers, but they haven't been ready yet. They¡¯re planning to go back to the highest angelic realms.

But, quite frankly, the consciousness that they had when they left Earth truly did not allow them to go all the way back. They were – what you would call – Earthbound. They were stuck in their old ways and old belief systems. But, there was something that triggered them to want to understand more, that there was more beyond what they knew and what they felt in their lifetime.

So, they have gathered together. They have been together ever since, several hundred of them taking a look at themselves, taking a look at consciousness on Earth, taking a look at you. And, now they have been bussed in for this meeting. Indeed, there must be a bus stop right outside of this canyon center here that let them off. And, they now fill the room.

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And, what we would love all of you, Shaumbra, to do – whether you are here in person, or joining us on the other realms, through the Internet – we would love for you to take a deep breath and welcome them in. They are feeling a bit nervous on this day to be in the presence of such human masters. They are feeling perhaps that maybe you could relate to this. Perhaps, they are not worthy of being here quite yet. They feel like they are the students and you are the masters. They want to know that you are going to welcome them into your space, into this sacred and precious meeting.

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You know, it is the talk of the celestial realms, this thing called the monthly Shoud (some laughter). As I have said before, there are many who get on the waiting list from our side who want to come in. But, we only allow so many, you know. This is an exclusive event.

So, we¡¯re going to ask you to take a deep breath and invite their energies into our space, to make that final melding, to invite them to sit down beside you today, just to feel your essence and your presence.

So, indeed they have been studying consciousness. And, they say¡¦ they¡¯ve asked the question, ¡°What is consciousness?¡± just like you have asked that question, ¡°What is consciousness?¡± Well, put quite simply, it is a set of belief systems that defines your reality. It is your level of awareness that becomes your consciousness. You are aware of a certain level of activity, of a certain understanding.

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Consciousness is also limited by belief systems. And, particularly when you come to Earth, these belief systems become very rigid. And, they define everything in your life. They define how you perceive yourself. The belief systems define how you interrelate with yourself, how you interrelate with the environment around you, people around you.

And, the interesting thing is that your belief systems¡¦ they don't come from the mind¡¦ you see. Belief systems go much deeper than that. They come from the heart, from the inner part of you. You see, you think you have certain beliefs. But, sometimes your true beliefs are much deeper and much more potent. Sometimes you try to alter and correct or change your belief systems in your mind. But, yet your life continues just the same as it was. And, you wonder what true effect belief systems have.

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But, belief systems¡¦ they are something much deeper¡¦ much deeper. You can access them. You can go deep into understanding exactly what you truly believe. Again, it is not generally what you think you believe. We are going to talk a little bit today about how to take a look at that, how to change that, how to work with it.

Basically, everything is belief systems. It just depends on how broad or expansive the belief systems are, even on our side of the veil. The angels, the entities¡¦ their reality is shaped by their belief system. As Saint Germain so wonderfully talks about in the Dreamwalker School, even the entities that are disincarnate, no longer in human form, when they come across to our side of the veil, their reality is still shaped by the belief system. They carry it over with them. It can be worked on and refined and adjusted and expanded on our side.

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But, eventually any entity will have to come back to Earth, even with an expanded set of beliefs to basically manifest them here on Earth to see how they play out. In the astral realms everything is a bit etheric, as it is were. Everything is a bit temporary. So, it is about being able to bring the belief systems back to Earth in an expanded way, in an expanded consciousness for the soul, for the divine being to finally take it in, to finally meld it all together.

So, Shaumbra, belief systems – beliefs that you have – define and create the reality. That is your consciousness. That is your awareness level. Most humans live in a very limited or very restricted set of belief systems. They are very, very focused and sometimes extremely rigid.

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You are learning to expand outside of that. You are learning that there is this thing called the imagination that expands the beliefs. You are learning that some very literal belief systems that you had about God, or about money, about food, and about the physical body were very limiting. They set up consciousness that basically you are uncomfortable in, that basically felt like wearing a very tight suit of clothes. And, you are ready to expand out and beyond.

So, our guests today have been studying consciousness. They have been studying their own belief systems. They have been studying how the belief systems literally feed themselves.

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67  Ã¼È­ ½Ã¸®Áî: SHOUD 4: "The Energy Movers" ¿î¿µÀÚ 01-21 1758 0
66  Ã¼È­ ½Ã¸®Áî: »þ¿ìµå 2: "üȭ¸¦ À§ÇÑ ³× °¡Áö TION(Distraction¡¦ ¿î¿µÀÚ 01-21 1768 0
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54  Åõ¸í¼º½Ã¸®Áî SHOUD 4 : "What feeds you(¿ì¸®¸¦ ¸ÔÀÌ´Â °Í)" ¿î¿µÀÚ 01-21 1817 0
53  Ä«¸®½º¸¶ ½Ã¸®Áî »þ¿ìµå 3: ¡°Ä«¸®½º¸¶(Kharisma) 3¡± ¿î¿µÀÚ 12-01 1819 0
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